Hey guys do you know till now 94 crores people have been vaccinated in India but still many people don’t know the how to download their vaccine certificate and there are lot of questions in mind regarding vaccine 1st dose 2nd dose and booster dose. Here I will explain you step by step all your question what I have collected which is asked by many people.
How to Download vaccine certificate online?
- Open any web browser I will recommend to use chrome because it is common in all mobiles
- Go to this official indian cowin vaccine certificate link website Click Here
- After loading a page you will see Register/Signin on top right side

- Click on that login page will appear as interface
- You have to enter your registered mobile number what you have given at the vaccine registration time.
- After entering your mobile number click on the button Get Otp
- You will get otp on your registered mobile number check and fill that blank and then click verify to proceed
- you have succefully logged in to the page if you have taken 1st dose you will see certificate option on the right side click on that you will see download certificate option .
how to download vaccine certificate without mobile number/Entered Wrong mobile number by mistake?
- If you are thinking to download certificate without mobile number, there is only one option.
- If you have taken vaccine from near by centres you can go there tell them to give certificate but you will have to remember vaccinated date if you will tell the exact vaccinated date they will search your name on the particular date and give you certificate.
- You can tell mobile number if you remember or you can say your name to make search easy.
Can I download vaccine certificate using aadhar card?
- Cowin official website does not allow you to download certificate using adhaar card but
- If you forget your mobile number what you have given at the vaccinated time
- Again I will tell you go to that centre where you took vaccine and tell them exact date of vaccination or adhaar card number they will search your name and will give you certificate
vaccine certificate check or vaccine certificate check by qr code
You got a certificate but you don’t know whether it is genuine or fake right for that case you can check through Qr code which is printed on your certificate
- First download the certificate from the official website cowin.gov.in
- After downloaded certificate take another mobile and open chrome go to this link Click Here
- You will see a scanner on that page open certificate in another mobile and scan Qr code by holding up to 10sec on whole Qr Code image.
- You will get your full details name, vaccination date, your date of birth, vaccination centre name.
- Don’t be confuse if you see your date of birth will 01/01/19**
- Because at the time of registration it will ask only birth year month or date will be written default as 01/01.
vaccine certificate with beneficiary id
Most of the people dont know about what is beneficiary id, first of all let me clear you benficiary id is equal to reference id
- You will see beneficiary id after you booked a slot for 1st dose it will generate a beneficiary id.
- That beneficiary id can be use to take vaccine at vaccination centre.
- After you have vaccinated when you will download certificate you will see beneficiary id/reference id in the certificate.
- Certificate will come with beneficiary id.
- If they ask you to tell last 4 digits numbers of beneficiary id you can tell by certificate or by login into cowin website for example (12345678984
7748). - you can see that number last four digit numbers have to tell to verify your details.
How to do vaccine certificate name correction?
- Open chrome browser go to cowin.gov.in website and logged in with your registered mobile number.
- After succefully logged in you will see option raise issue

- Click on that raise issue option you will get there name correction date of birth correction click on that
- Note: you can change instantly if you did mistake of 2 3 letters, if you want to change whole name your request will be rejected.
- Enter your whole correct name then it will ask you to upload your id proof upload and click on submit
- It will process and change instantly if there is small correction, you will get sms also on registered mobile number.
vaccine certificate add passport number
- After logged in by registered mobile number you will see a option raise issue see image below

- Click on the raise an issue another page will open check the options

- Click on the add passport details option as you can see pic above

- Fill the all details correctly check the details before submit request, it will take 5mints to be added passport number.
How to get free covishield certificate?
- If you any doubts and any clarification regarding cowin vaccine certificate, or if you are travelling international countries i am giving you a link there you can ask your queries and complaints.
- Just open the link submit your whatsapp number you will get an reply with in an hour.
- Here is the link Click Here
- Personally i tried it is genuine if you really need help then only you can contact